Interesting perspective Willem-Jan. I think Agile was meant to unlock the creative potential of the people through supportive tools, cultural change, and let's say leadership. Better software development is just an application. Therefore, I can agree with your view, given Agile Coaches will not be ex-software developers doing currently with people, but rather managers leading the organization. This will require a broader set of expertise (including understanding the management craft) than just SW development. Then coaches can focus on helping organizations capitalize on their human capital. Some examples:
- structure changes that better fit the business, including dynamic structures.
- redefine who is doing what, and where activity fits (means HR can't do personal appraisals on behalf of managers)
- culture is also an issue of the management, it can't be outsourced to HR
- inviting more people to define and organize how the organization operates
- plug-and-play structures to involve external contractors or organizations faster
- profit participation for all stakeholders
- convert HR from cost center to actual business center
- long-term partnership with the people including an understanding of needs for out-of-the-work progress and duties
- career planning
Well, you have nice ideas in the article, but what I see is you see the organization as it is now, and wish for "cosmetic" changes. I believe, there will be a need for a radical shift in how companies are organized and coaches will need to question many things we take today for granted. We have to learn to question everything.