For some reason, people without any education gravitate toward HR, where sufficient quality is that recruiter is a woman. Once I was consulting for an organization where the HR manager was a former real estate agent. He switched recently to HR in an IT company.
However, I still do not share the idea that HR is useless. It is about formulating well, how it can contribute. Through creating partnerships with organizational departments and with top execs, HR can design strategies to attract the best talent for the organization. Doing just this may create enormous value. It requires that the recruiter is actively involved with departments and understands what is its work about. He moreover understands organizational strategy and where the company is heading. In the complex world, hiring for knowledge-intensive business is teamwork. It cannot lie with HR only, but HR can take leadership. On the other hand, HR should give up attempts for company-wide change management, creating directives nobody cares about and making their bureaucracy of their own.