Daily standup: "I'm working on the same thing I was working on yesterday and I am getting very little done because I keep getting interrupted by meetings." :)
I like your humor, Cao. However, It is a team's responsibility to address particular meeting that is not effective. If you would say your observations as you did it here at my retro, we would investigate and look for a better way. Because every team member is in charge of improving the performance of the team. But if you will argue that the meeting is unnecessary and advocate for its removal, you would become my hot candidate for retraining on the Scrum technique :). Every meeting has its purpose and value in Scrum. If it does not deliver value, we should have a look. There are many meetings beyond those basics in Scrum. And I often help the organization to eliminate them or redesign them for purpose. But I do not do it to become a meeting buster. I just look for unproductive activities (waste) when 25 engineers are sitting at the meeting, which has some value for only 3 of them.
And yes, I advocate pair programming. It delivers a lot of value, or at least such is my experience.